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what is influence writing ?

Writers are influenced by what they see, hear, and read. Most writers were and are avid readers. Writers interested in stage and screen tend to support those media, too. As a result, the works of other writers influence a writer.

How to build your influence by writing !

Influencing marketing has become a positive way to boost a brand’s reach to its respective audience. As a result, many companies look to have an influencer to show support of their product/service and brand. Getting that endorsement is like the powerball if you play the lotto or the secret weapon if you’re doing in resources. It vouches for your brand and is your brand ambassador. Now, what if that powerball could be ?

Becoming an influencer

I use that term rather sparingly and carefully. Anybody can call themselves an influencer based on their followers, engagement, wealth, or market position. There are a whole bunch of criteria that one can use to identify an influencer. 

you have to be a giver to become an influence By giving you build your influence. Now, let me take one step back before you jump on me about giving: you should give within reason. Nevertheless, you ought to continuously give and share, because after all that’s what makes you who you are.

The Write Life

The Write Life is a website equipped with a wide collection of articles and comprehensive listicles to assist writers of any sort. You can be a blogger, a freelance content writer, a published author, or an essayist; The Write Life will offer you amazing information and resources for your writing in either way.

This is a website for maybe not generating content inspiration, but for finding more sources for submitting your writing to major or small publications, finding paying writing gigs/jobs, and even writing contests.

It holds an archive of helpful articles that will help your organization skills as a writer, sharpen up or acquire new writing skills and form a healthier habit with writing. It will let you know of the latest updates in the writer world.

They have a section for marketing as marketing is a crucial aspect of modern world writers where they inform you about social media, creating a website and portfolio, creating an email list, and so on. It will help both your blogging and publishing game in every way possible!

Values Influence Reading, Writing and Viewing

One way you can have your students step back a moment before they begin looking at articles, viewing video clips, and writing summaries and abstracts about controversial issues is to have a short presentation on values and look at how what we value, think is important to and for us, influences our behavior and colors our lenses.

  1.   Ask students to highlight ten words that represent their own values. Collect and enter the words in to a which will create a word cloud that shows the primary values of your class.  It’ll be enlightening for your students to see the range of values among their peers.

I found it worthwhile to collect and redistribute these anonymous lists to students on opposite sides of the room (left side gets right side’s lists, and vice-versa).  Then as students read the lists aloud, one student volunteer, an accurate and speedy word-processor, enters all the words as they were read.  Repetition is fine.  The number of times a word appears on the final list will determine the size the word will appear in the word cloud created in Wordle.

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